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Component Library

Boilerplate components that might come in handy

You can drop any of the below components into your pages or as child components to other components. Click on the link for each to go to the demo page.

Sticky ISI

A component that renders a sticky ISI panel and jump link.

Demo page

Scroll to top

A simple back to top button that scrolls the user to the top of the page.

Demo page

Exit Modal

A simple exit modal example that can be easily customized.

Demo page

Entry Modal

A modal that shows on page load. It is used show a discalimer to the user and require them to acknowledge they are a healthcare professional (or fit some other criteria) prior to viewing the site.

Demo page


A simple accordion component.

Demo page


A customizable carousel component.

Demo page


A customizable carousel component.

Demo page

Formstack Embed

Formstack embed component.

Demo page

Cookie Bar

A component to include a cookie tray at the bottom of the site.

Demo page

Async Get Request

A component with an example asyncronous GET request.

Demo page